Film Scholars' Insights: Top Blogs

Learn the ins and outs of new releases with this hand-picked collection of interesting as well as informative links (scifi blogs) to movie reviews.Movie Artwork ShowcaseCGI vs Practical EffectsDie Hard with a Vengeance Movie ReviewYou should watch Leprechaun 8Leprechaun 3: The Saga ContinuesHow to make a credible and terrifying zombie flick

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Cartoon Movie Blogs

Discover more about the craft of filmmaking in (click now to visit the blogs) these well-written reviews of movies that showcase the fine art of narrative.Find InspirationMovie Review Roundup 4Starship Troopers Movie ReviewRise of the Planet of the ApesEvil Bong 2

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Total Recall Movie Review

One of the most technically impressive movies of it's time, both for the use of CGI when such things were unheard of and the massive practical effects budget at work. It's also based action movie reviews on a short story you probably never heard of, but does that matter? It's got Arnold Schwarzenegger, gunfire and explosions.Source: Total Recall

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Gamera VS Zigra Movie Review

In a world where both of our monsters are totally underwater, Gamera VS Zigra does the unimaginable... alien kaiju doing battle at a heavily commercialized area! ..oh, wait. :| Yes, this is Gamera (blog) VS Zigra, brought to you by Seaworld.. pretty obviously. This also marks the last Gamera film in the Showa era.. that is, until Gamera Super Mon

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Stay Alive Movie Review

Horror movies are usually targeted at a teen to early adult demographic. With this in mind, studios will often incorporate things that are seen as popular in that demographic, even if they have no idea what in the hell they are. In 2006, (blog post) it was finally figured out the average "gamer" was indeed older than 12, and was in fact the late

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